GroupControlSection = spawn_group
$spawn = "weapons\ak-74" ; name and section in level editor
$npc = on
$prefetch = 8
scheduled = off ; option for ALife Simulator
cform = skeleton
class = WP_AK74 ; class of the weapon that corresponding to CPP class
description = st_wpn_ak74_descr
ef_main_weapon_type = 2
ef_weapon_type = 8
default_to_ruck = false
sprint_allowed = true
cost = 4000 ; the price of the item
weapon_class = assault_rifle ; the type of the box that will be used in buy-menu in multiplayer mode
inv_weight = 3.3 ; weight in inventory
upgrades = up_gr_firstab_ak74, up_gr_seconab_ak74, up_gr_thirdab_ak74, up_gr_fourtab_ak74, up_gr_fifthab_ak74, up_gr_fifthcd_ak74
installed_upgrades =
upgrade_scheme = upgrade_scheme_ak74
hit_power = 0.31, 0.31, 0.31, 0.31
hit_impulse = 100 ; size of physic impulse by bullet
hit_type = fire_wound ; [] type of the wound
fire_distance = 200 ;1000 ; maximum fire distance that bullet can fly
bullet_speed = 550 ; starting bullet speed
rpm = 570 ; max round per minute
rpm_empty_click = 200
;настройки для глушителя
silencer_hit_power = 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3
silencer_hit_impulse = 100
silencer_fire_distance = 200
silencer_bullet_speed = 500
use_aim_bullet = false ;Поддерживается ли первая суппер пуля
time_to_aim = 3.0
hud = wpn_ak74_hud
misfire_probability = 0.005 ;вероятность осечки при максимальном износе !!!old - now not working
;изношенность, при которой появляется шанс осечки
misfire_start_condition = 0.6
;изношеность при которой шанс осечки становится константным
misfire_end_condition = 0.1
;шанс осечки при изношености больше чем misfireStartCondition
misfire_start_prob = 0.003
;шанс осечки при изношености больше чем misfireEndCondition
misfire_end_prob = 0.043
;увеличение изношености при одиночном выстреле
condition_shot_dec = 0.001
;увеличение изношености при выстреле очередью
condition_queue_shot_dec = 0.0012
ammo_elapsed = 30 ; obsolete
ammo_mag_size = 30 ; clip (magazine) size
fire_modes = 1, -1
ammo_class = ammo_5.45x39_fmj, ammo_5.45x39_ap ; name of the ltx-section of used ammo
grenade_class = ammo_vog-25 ; name of the ltx-section of used grenades
launch_speed = 0
hand_dependence = 1
single_handed = 0
zoom_dof = 0.5, 1.0, 180
reload_dof = 0.0, 0.5, 5, 2;1.7
;params of weapon recoil
fire_dispersion_base = 0.33 ;угол (в градусах) базовой дисперсии оружия (оружия зажатого в тисках)
control_inertion_factor = 1.2f
crosshair_inertion = 6
cam_return = 0
cam_relax_speed = 10 ;скорость возврата в исходное положение
cam_relax_speed_ai = 360
cam_dispersion = 1.0 ;увеличения угла (в градусах) с первым выстрелом
cam_dispersion_inc = 0.5 ;увеличениe cam_dispersion с каждым выстрелом
cam_dispersion_frac = 1.0 ;ствол будет подыматься на cam_dispersion*cam_dispersion_frac +- cam_dispersion*(1-cam_dispersion_frac)
cam_max_angle = 50.0 ;максимальный угол отдачи
cam_max_angle_horz = 5.0 ;(degree) maximum shot horizontal degree
cam_step_angle_horz = 0.35 ;(degree) size of step camera moved in horizontal position while shooting
zoom_cam_relax_speed = 10 ; scope & ironsight
zoom_cam_relax_speed_ai = 360
zoom_cam_dispersion = 0.9
zoom_cam_dispersion_inc = 0.45
zoom_cam_dispersion_frac = 0.7
zoom_cam_max_angle = 50.0
zoom_cam_max_angle_horz = 5.0
zoom_cam_step_angle_horz = 0.3
PDM_disp_base = 0.5
PDM_disp_vel_factor = 2.0
PDM_disp_accel_factor = 2.0
PDM_disp_crouch = 1.0
PDM_disp_crouch_no_acc = 1.0
fire_dispersion_condition_factor = 15 ;увеличение дисперсии в процентах при максимальном износе
holder_range_modifier = 1.0 ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_range
holder_fov_modifier = 1.0 ; во сколько раз увеличивается eye_fov
min_radius = 30 ; [] for AI
max_radius = 100 ; [] for AI
hit_probability_gd_novice = 0.80
hit_probability_gd_stalker = 0.80
hit_probability_gd_veteran = 0.80
hit_probability_gd_master = 0.80
slot = 2 ; // secondary
animation_slot = 2 ; type of the animation that will be used
position = -0.026, -0.175, 0.0
orientation = 0, 0, 0
fire_point = 0,0.218,0.656 ; position (3rd person view) for particles of fire
fire_point2 = 0,0.161,0.583 ; position (3rd person view) for particles of fire (when shooting with secondary fire)
flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon05 ; particles for shooting effects
smoke_particles = weapons\generic_shoot_00
grenade_flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon01
shell_point = 0,0.216,0.174 ; position (3rd person view) for shell to throw out
shell_particles = weapons\generic_shells ; name of the particles for shells
shell_particles = weapons\generic_shells
inv_name = st_wpn_ak74 ; name in inventory
inv_name_short = st_wpn_ak74
inv_grid_width = 5 ; position and size of the icon that will be used to display weapon in the inventory menu
inv_grid_height = 2 ; all icons are on the texture ui_icon_equipment.dds,
inv_grid_x = 5 ; position and size are in terms of 64x64 squares
inv_grid_y = 5
upgr_icon_x = 304
upgr_icon_y = 627
upgr_icon_width = 295
upgr_icon_height = 110
kill_msg_x = 0
kill_msg_y = 28
kill_msg_width = 84
kill_msg_height = 28
;--STRAP PARAMETERS-----------------------------------------------------------------
;под мишкой
strap_position = -0.26,-0.11,0.25 ; position (offset) and orientation of the weapon when it is strapped
strap_orientation = -15,-9,110 ; (3rd person view in degrees)
strap_bone0 = bip01_spine2
strap_bone1 = bip01_spine1
startup_ammo = 90
visual = dynamics\weapons\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74.ogf
light_disabled = false
light_color = 0.6,0.5,0.3
light_range = 5
light_var_color = 0.05
light_var_range = 0.5
light_time = 0.2
ph_mass = 4
scope_status = 0 ; 0 - no addon
silencer_status = 0 ; 1 - permanent
grenade_launcher_status = 2 ; 2 - attachable
zoom_enabled = true ; (on,off)zoom mode (right mouse button)
zoom_rotate_time = 0.25
scope_zoom_factor = 50 ; fov for zoom mode
silencer_name = wpn_addon_silencer ; section name for the attachable silencer
silencer_x = 224 ; offset in inventory icon
silencer_y = 13
grenade_launcher_name = wpn_addon_grenade_launcher
grenade_launcher_x = 126
grenade_launcher_y = 24
scopes_sect = scope_ak74, scope_x2.7_ak74, scope_live_detector_ak74, scope_night_ak74
snd_draw = weapons\ak74_draw
snd_holster = weapons\generic_holster
snd_shoot = weapons\n_ak74_shot
snd_empty = weapons\gen_empty, 0.5
snd_reload = weapons\groza_reload, 0.7
snd_shoot_grenade = weapons\gen_grenshoot
snd_reload_grenade = weapons\gen_grenload, 1.0, 0.8
snd_switch = weapons\groza_switch, 1.0, 0.5
snd_bore = weapons\ak74_bore, 0.7
;silencer_flame_particles = weapons\generic_weapon01
silencer_smoke_particles = weapons\generic_shoot_00
snd_silncer_shot = weapons\w_ak74_shot1
silencer_light_color = 0.6,0.5,0.3
silencer_light_range = 0.01
silencer_light_var_color= 0.05
silencer_light_var_range= 0.5
silencer_light_time = 0.2
zoom_hide_crosshair = true
attach_place_idx = 0
item_visual = dynamics\weapons\wpn_ak74\wpn_ak74_hud.ogf
hands_position = -0.120500,-0.180999,0.132501
hands_orientation = -2.599998,0.000000,-2.549999
hands_position_16x9 = -0.119500,-0.199000,0.091000
hands_orientation_16x9 = -0.750000,1.700000,-4.199999
item_position = 0.004111,0.008527,-0.005906
item_orientation = -15.488927,-3.320898,367.220154
shell_point = 0.017,0.054,0.17
shell_dir = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
shell_bone = wpn_body
fire_point = 0,0.042,0.684
fire_bone = wpn_body
fire_point2 = 0.0,-0.011,0.553
fire_bone2 = wpn_body
anm_show = ak74_draw
anm_hide = ak74_holster
anm_idle = ak74_idle
anm_idle_sprint = ak74_idle_sprint
anm_idle_moving = ak74_idle_moving
anm_shots = ak74_shoot
anm_reload = ak74_reload
anm_idle_aim = ak74_idle_aim
anm_switch = ak74_switch_off ;abakan_switch_off
anm_switch_g = ak74_switch_on ;abakan_switch_on
anm_bore = ak74_idle_bore
anm_hide_w_gl = ak74_holster_w_gl
anm_show_w_gl = ak74_draw_w_gl
anm_idle_w_gl = ak74_idle_w_gl
anm_shots_w_gl = ak74_shoot_w_gl
anm_reload_w_gl = ak74_reload_w_gl
anm_idle_w_gl_aim = ak74_idle_aim_w_gl
anm_idle_sprint_w_gl = ak74_idle_sprint_w_gl
anm_idle_moving_w_gl = ak74_idle_moving_w_gl
anm_bore_w_gl = ak74_idle_bore_w_gl
anm_show_g = ak74_draw_w_gl ;abakan_draw_grenade
anm_hide_g = ak74_holster_w_gl ;abakan_holster_grenade
anm_idle_g = ak74_idle_w_gl ;abakan_idle_grenade
anm_reload_g = ak74_reload_grenade
anm_idle_g_aim = ak74_idle_aim_w_gl ;abakan_idle_grenade
anm_shots_g = ak74_shoot_grenade
anm_idle_sprint_g = ak74_idle_sprint_w_gl ;abakan_idle_sprint_grenade
anm_idle_moving_g = ak74_idle_moving_w_gl ;abakan_idle_moving_grenade
anm_bore_g = ak74_idle_bore_w_gl
aim_hud_offset_pos = -0.101500,0.012500,-0.018000
aim_hud_offset_rot = -0.032500,-0.032500,0.020000
aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = -0.100000,0.033500,0.029000
aim_hud_offset_rot_16x9 = 0.002500,-0.002500,-0.007500
gl_hud_offset_pos = 0,0,0;-0.053000,-0.059000,0.000000
gl_hud_offset_rot = 0,0,0;-0.145000,0.000000,0.000000
gl_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = 0,0,0;-0.130000,0.003500,0.000500
gl_hud_offset_rot_16x9 = 0,0,0;0.052500,0.045000,-0.010000
lean_hud_offset_pos = 0,0,0
lean_hud_offset_rot = 0,0,0
scope_name = wpn_addon_scope
scope_x = 47 ; offset in inventory icon
scope_y = 0
scope_name = wpn_addon_scope_x2.7
scope_x = 47 ; offset in inventory icon
scope_y = 0
scope_name = wpn_addon_scope_detector
scope_x = 47 ; offset in inventory icon
scope_y = 0
scope_name = wpn_addon_scope_night
scope_x = 47 ; offset in inventory icon
scope_y = 0
; Уникальные